02 8752 3872 [email protected]

Our Coaching Philosophy and Values

Our Coaching Philosophy

We recognise that success means different things to different people, and as such, we work with our clients to define their specific vision of success for their business, their people, their clients, and themselves.

We guide our clients through a focused thought process, asking the right questions, and bringing a third-party perspective to their current situation. We respectfully ‘call it like it is’ – revealing opportunities and potential obstacles that may be holding them back from achieving their desired outcomes.

We collaborate with our clients and their teams to explore, define, and select ideas and strategies to help them achieve their goals. Drawing from our collective experience, we provide guidance on what has worked for others in similar situations, and help our clients to see what’s possible and how they can do things better.

Once we’ve helped our clients select the best course of action, we work with their team to define a project plan and hold them accountable for following through on their strategies; working together over time, adapting their approach as needed to achieve their desired results. We create a cadence of effective ‘on the business’ meetings and reporting to keep them on track.

We help our clients drive toward their goals, always being mindful of their own unique core purpose and vision, ensuring we celebrate their achievements along the way, to recognise their progress while striving for further improvement.

Our ultimate goal is to help our clients achieve their version of success and create a lasting legacy for themselves and their business.

Our Values

Do the right thing

We do the right for our clients, our team, the business and the greater good. Even if it’s not popular or easy the right thing encompasses integrity, fairness and equity.

We provide a safe space (confidentiality and trust) for our clients.

Make a difference

We make a positive impact – to our clients, our team, our profession.

We pride ourselves on always putting our clients in a better position than they would be without our assistance.

Embrace 1 + 1 =3

We collabroate with others to generate greater outcomes than what we could achieve in isolation.

GAS (Give a Sh*t)

We genuinely care about our clients, our people and our profession at large. We don’t stand by when we know we can contribute to a better outcome. This extends to ensuring that we maintain a high standard of quality in every piece of work that we do.

Our entire team is committed to continually developing our skills and knowledge, and regularly share insights and expertise with one another, to broaden the collective experience and frame of reference that each coach draws upon in their daily work.

Remember… YOLO

Don’t die wondering! Be adventurous, be brave, step into the light everyday and have a willingness to experience whatever is going on. Leave a legacy of a life lived with purpose.

A reminder to ourselves – and to remember for our clients – to keep balance in life, embracing the whole human experience, not just work.