02 8752 3872 [email protected]

Embark on Your Best Year Yet: An Exclusive, Invitation-Only Event Powered by BT.

Unlock a year of unprecedented success with a bespoke workshop program designed to focus, align, and energise your team for the year ahead.

As a forward-thinking advice firm principal, you’re always looking for ways to improve your business and capitalise on market opportunities, but there’s so much to do for clients that it can feel like you’re spinning your wheels. You know there’s a better way to achieve your goals, but the path to real success seems cluttered with unused ideas and unimplemented strategies.


You’re not just seeking growth; you’re aiming for continued uplift in how your business operates and thrives.


You’ve been selected by BT for this exclusive opportunity because you’re ready for more: more efficiency, more growth, and ultimately, more satisfaction from your work.


For many firms, the path to exceptional growth is blocked by three core challenges:

A Flood of Ideas

Your entrepreneurial spirit has never been in question. You have ideas aplenty, but which one is the right next step?

Capacity Crunch

Your team is talented but stretched thin, risking burnout and inefficiency.

Slow Growth

Despite your efforts and intelligence, the speed and scale of growth aren’t meeting your ambitions.

This isn’t just about financial growth; it’s about fulfilling your firm’s true potential and ensuring your team’s efforts translate into tangible success. We understand the challenges that financial advice firms face, and we’re here to help you work through what could be holding you back.

With decades of experience supporting hundreds of advice firms like yours, the Elixir team understands the unique nature of advisory firms. We’ve curated this three-month program to provide exactly what you need to push through whatever might be holding you back. We’ll provide you with the tools, the sounding board and a proven framework through which you will make the right decisions to move your business forward.

Ready to launch? Here's what you'll achieve:

Personalised Diagnosis: begin with a tailored analysis to pinpoint your unique challenges and opportunities.

You’ll identify what areas of your business may be holding you back from achieving a successful, sustainable future. You will also be able to get clarity on what you are wanting your business to look like in 12 months’ time – in both financial and qualitative terms.


One-Day Offsite Workshop: dive into a day of strategic focus, facilitated by our expert team, designed to align your firms’ direction with your growth aspirations.

Identify what strategies you want and need to implement, in what priority order is needed to achieve the fastest and more sustainable changes in your business – allowing you to  reach the destination you desire.


Actionable Blueprint: walk away with a concise, powerful plan on a page, crafted by you and your key team members, setting a clear course for the year ahead.

All of your plans will be brought to life when you create your one-page, easy-to-read business plan. You will also be able to determine how you will continue to ensure your business is front of focus, while also maintaining accountability to ensure that your plan is not only implemented, but implemented successfully.


Expert Guidance and Peer Support.

Benefit from the wisdom of seasoned coaches and the shared experiences of your peers, creating a powerful network of support and accountability.

3 Hour Online Workshop

Prior to your full-day workshop, you will attend a 3 hour online workshop where we will guide you through a critical thinking process.

Conducted via Zoom with an Elixir Coach, you will be in the company of like-minded advice business firms, to help you gain the insights on what are the right areas of your business to focus on to get your best results.

Workshop Option #1 17th April
Workshop Option #2 23rd April

Full-day in-person workshop

An active workshop, not just a speaking presentation. You will work with an Elixir coach to help make decisions on your business, build and develop strategies and start doing some serious work on your business.

Our coaches are there to guide and assist, and your peers will also have their own invaluable input.

Perth 30th April
Brisbane 3rd May
Sydney 7th May
Melbourne 9th May

Private Coaching Session

After you’ve completed the full-day workshop, you’ll get a private coaching session with an Elixir coach. A fantastic opportunity to work through any roadblocks you’ve discovered as you begin the implementation of your plans, to discuss what may have the opportunity to develop further, or to simply get some guidance on “what next”, these sessions will be invaluable to all program attendees.

Feedback from Advisers

Going through this process will help you move forward so you can start making better decisions and, and stop wasting time procrastinating on what needs to happen.

Amanda Pond

I absolutely advise to come and do these because taking the time away from your business is really critical to be able to evaluate these areas and go to the next stage.

Drew Hickey

Definitely recommend it to other advisors. So the content was very, very good, but also just the ability to talk to different people from different walks of life that you might not otherwise come across.

Peter Holland

We did have reservations, was it going to be value for money and I can absolutely say yes, I think it exceeded our expectations. So yeah, certainly value for money. recommend it to everybody.

Jane Looker

Facilitated by the Coaches

Some of the most experienced and enthusiastic coaches you’ll ever engage, the Elixir Coaches have a wealth of knowledge about what works in financial advice businesses, and have proven track records for helping their clients achieve greater success.

Sue Viskovic

Lana Clark

Graham Burnard

Don’t let another year of potential go unrealised. Confirm your place by letting your BT Business Development Manager know you’re ready for your Best Year Yet.

Envision the moment when your firm not only meets but exceeds its growth targets. You and your team are not just surviving; you’re thriving, with a clear direction, renewed energy, and a shared purpose. This isn’t a distant dream – it’s the imminent reality awaiting you at the Launchpad Program workshop.