02 8752 3872 [email protected]

Engine Room Overhaul: Transform Your Financial Advice Firm’s Back Office Without Missing a Beat

Join Our Exclusive 3-Month Intensive Program

The Challenge

Financial advice firms often struggle to improve their back office because they can’t afford to shut down their business while they re-engineer the engine room. It’s like trying to tune up a car while it’s still driving!


Many firms face:

Limited Time and Resources

You can’t stop business to re-engineer processes.

Lack of Knowledge

Unsure how to optimise workflows and processes.

Resistance to Change

Difficulty in getting the team committed and pushing through challenges. 

Interruption and Procrastination

Projects often get sidelined when more urgent tasks arise. 

The Solution: Engine Room Overhaul

Our 3-month intensive program is designed to help your firm overcome these challenges with expert guidance, practical strategies, and a proven process to ensure success. 


    Interactive Workshops:

    Participate in live, action-oriented online workshops every week for eight weeks, then come back in the 11th week to troubleshoot any issues and celebrate your achievements once your changes have been implemented. These sessions are designed for real-time decision-making and solution creation. 


    Proven Process:

    Follow our systematic approach to improving your firm’s engine room. Each session builds on the last, ensuring a comprehensive transformation.


    All templates and documentation:

    If you don’t yet have documents like workflow processes and job descriptions to enhance, you’ll refine our templates that are 80% done for you. No need to start with a blank page!


    Immediate Implementation:

    Apply what you learn each week directly in your office, with clear actions to execute between sessions for immediate results. 


    Expert Guidance:

    Learn from the best in the industry. Our coaching team, led by Lana Clark, brings unparalleled expertise and insights to guide your transformation. 

    What You'll Achieve

    Program Structure.

    Each session runs for 2 – 3 hours, with the perfect blend of instruction, guidance as you work on your material, feedback on your action plans and support to ensure you get traction. 

    Session 1

    Operations Strategy

    Date: 19/09/2024
    • Understand the importance of a well-designed operations strategy.
    • Define measurable goals for operational improvement.
    • Develop change management and communication strategies.

    Session 4

    The Power of Outsourcing
    Date: 10/10/2024
    • Understand strategic benefits of outsourcing.
    • Manage outsourced relationships effectively.
    • Identify tasks suitable for outsourcing.

    Session 7

    Optimising Workflow for Peak Performance
    Date: 31/10/2024
    • Design an optimal workflow structure.
    • Develop capacity planning strategies.
    • Foster a culture of continuous improvement.

    Session 2

    Right Task - Right Role
    Date: 26/09/2024
    • Conduct a comprehensive task audit.
    • Realign tasks with the appropriate roles.
    • Implement support strategies for team members.

    Session 5

    Slay that Process - Client Reviews
    Date: 17/10/2024
    • Document and optimise the review process.
    • Plan for technology integration.

    Session 8

    Mastering Workflow Management
    Date: 07/11/2024
    • Develop and implement streamlined workflows.
    • Apply prioritisation methods.
    • Create immediate and future workflow forecasts.

    Session 3

    Organisation Structure
    Date: 03/10/2024
    • Review current and identify future roles.
    • Design an efficient team structure.
    • Refine your team’s job descriptions.

    Session 6

    Slay that Process - New Client Onboarding
    Date: 24/10/2024
    • Optimise the client onboarding process.
    • Implement best practices for a quality client experience.

    Session 9

    Evaluating and Sustaining Change
    Date: 14/11/2024
    • Measure the success of changes.
    • Implement strategies for sustaining long-term success.
    • Develop a plan for continuous improvement.

    Session 1

    Operations Strategy

    Date: 19/09/2024
    • Understand the importance of a well-designed operations strategy.
    • Define measurable goals for operational improvement.
    • Develop change management and communication strategies.

    Session 2

    Right Task - Right Role
    Date: 26/09/2024
    • Conduct a comprehensive task audit.
    • Realign tasks with the appropriate roles.
    • Implement support strategies for team members.

    Session 3

    Organisation Structure
    Date: 03/10/2024
    • Review current and identify future roles.
    • Design an efficient team structure.
    • Refine your team’s job descriptions.

    Session 4

    The Power of Outsourcing
    Date: 10/10/2024
    • Understand strategic benefits of outsourcing.
    • Manage outsourced relationships effectively.
    • Identify tasks suitable for outsourcing.

    Session 5

    Slay that Process - Client Reviews
    Date: 17/10/2024
    • Document and optimise the review process.
    • Plan for technology integration.

    Session 6

    Slay that Process - New Client Onboarding
    Date: 24/10/2024
    • Optimise the client onboarding process.
    • Implement best practices for a quality client experience.

    Session 7

    Optimising Workflow for Peak Performance
    Date: 31/10/2024
    • Design an optimal workflow structure.
    • Develop capacity planning strategies.
    • Foster a culture of continuous improvement.

    Session 8

    Mastering Workflow Management
    Date: 07/11/2024
    • Develop and implement streamlined workflows.
    • Apply prioritisation methods.
    • Create immediate and future workflow forecasts.

    Session 9

    Evaluating and Sustaining Change
    Date: 14/11/2024
    • Measure the success of changes.
    • Implement strategies for sustaining long-term success.
    • Develop a plan for continuous improvement.

    The Guides

    Lana Clark

    Sue Viskovic & Graham Burnard

    Our head facilitator is renowned for her expertise in back-office optimisation. Having recently spearheaded the Advice Operations Research Report,  Lana Clark has gone from being a business coach and back-office optimisation expert to being more like a Formula One Chief Engineer in her field. There’s nobody in Australia with a deeper understanding of what works in advisory firms and how to fix back-office processes. With Lana’s guidance and that of the Elixir coaching team, you will:

    • Stay Accountable: We’ll keep you on track and motivated throughout the program. 
    • Push Through Challenges: Our team will help you navigate obstacles and ensure you persist until you see results. 
    • Achieve Lasting Change: Implement sustainable improvements that continue to benefit your firm long after the program ends. 
    “It has been indispensable working with Lana throughout the period of enormous regulatory change and the massive business transformation that we have successfully undertaken, would’ve been very difficult without her support and specialist knowledge.” 

      Real Results

      Our research shows that firms who turn around advice faster see significantly better financial outcomes. Firms completing advice for new clients in less than 3 weeks achieve an average EBIT of 29.2%, compared to 22% for those taking 8 weeks or more. Whether you can reduce your turnaround time by 20% or get it down under 3 weeks, the evidence is clear – accelerating your processes can significantly impact your firm’s profitability and client satisfaction.

      How long does it typically take to get a new client from initial enquiry to advice provided, accepted and implemented when insurance is not required?

      Advice Operations Research Report 2024

      What You Need to Make This Work  

      To ensure the success of the Engine Room Overhaul program, you’ll need to nominate a project manager. This could be a practice manager or a senior person in your business who has the authority and the time to make this their focus for eleven weeks from the 19th of September. This person will need to: 

      • Have the availability to dedicate time each week to this project (we recommend freeing up their schedule by delegating other tasks). 
      • Possess decision-making authority to drive the project and ensure team buy-in.
      • Be committed to following through on the implementation plans and returning with feedback so we can help them optimise your engine room. 

      Your Investment

      Choose your payment frequency:

      Pay $3,850 inc. GST in 3 x monthly instalments


      Save 15% and pay $9,900 inc. GST on enrolment

      Consider the ROI you’ll enjoy when you lift your capacity for each adviser, your advice is delivered faster, you remove your bottlenecks and backlogs, and you sleep better at night, knowing you’ve reduced your margin for errors.  

      Needing extra assistance?

      Private consulting is available to all members of the Engine Room Overhaul intensive program, as well as 1:1 implementation support at discounted rates.

      Limited Enrolment

      We’re accepting only ten firms into each cohort to ensure personalised attention and effective results. This exclusivity allows us to provide focused, high-impact coaching tailored to your unique needs. 

      Enrol Now

      Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionise your back office. Enrol in our 3-month program today and join a select group of firms ready to elevate their efficiency and profitability. 

      Transform your back office into a finely tuned, high-performance engine room with our intensive 3-month program. Your journey to operational excellence starts here. 


      Q: Will this be like another course where we walk away with a host of information and it feels like we don’t know where to start to implement?

      A: Each session will be a ‘WORKING‘ workshop where you are considering, developing and making decisions for your way forward. We will help you design a communication plan back to your team and the steps of implementation and help with accountability over the 3 month program.

      Q. Is the program technology-agnostic? 

      A. Yes… we’ll help you refine your roles and responsibilities and processes to help remove bottlenecks and in turn refine your client experience and improve the use of your technology. Whether you use X-Plan, AdviserLogic, Dash, Worksorted  or Salesforce or another provider our aim is to help you walk away with actionable steps to improve. 
      (And tag each of those companies in the names)

      Q. What are the kind of outcomes will we achieve as a result of doing the program?

      A. Great question… and the answer depends on your starting point. If your back office ‘could be better’,  we’d expect you’ll be able to lift your adviser capacity, getting them seeing more clients and doing less admin. If your back office is ‘a dogs breakfast’, you’ll finally get the right people doing the right roles, shave hours off your turnaround times and significantly reduce your cost per client.