Imagine if you had a team you could engage that have deep knowledge and experience in financial advice and can help you get sh!t done. Let us introduce you to GSD Lab – a new division of Elixir Consulting. The team at GSD Lab understand how difficult it can be to find the extra time it takes to manage and build your special projects. They are the expert pair of hands every business wished they had – they take your strategy, plan it, build it and manage it for you. No extra headcount.
GSD Lab are a team of advice professionals helping you bring your ideas and strategy to life.
Press play on the video below to hear from our team.
After years of consulting and coaching financial advisers around Australia on their business strategies, it was only natural for Elixir to evolve to launch GSD Lab – extending our support to help business owners implement their strategies.
Under the expert guidance of our Lana, GSD Lab is created to meet the needs of business owners who just can’t keep up with the increasing pressures of both working in their business and on it, and with a current skills shortage in advice, finding the right team members is increasingly difficult – especially for projects lasting short periods of time.

Operations Change
Samples of services include:
> Process & Systems Diagnostic
> Sorting out your WIP backlog
> Workflow supervision design

Business Model Change
Samples of services include:
> Researching a new licensee or helping you get your business in order to move to a new licensee
> New end-to-end client engagement process
> New Client Service model

HR Research and Implementation
Samples of services include:
> Researching options on an HR framework
> Implementation of an HR framework
> Implementation of your staff review process

Client Communications
Samples of services include:
> Documentation of your client communications framework
> Marketing projects

Project and Change Management Support
We will help you design a project including tasks and milestones, implement change and manage the project for you. There is really no end of possibilities for how we can support your projects.
Our clients typically engage GSD Lab with their strategy mapped out or in mind.
If this is you, and you’re struggling to get all of those awesome ideas off the to-do list and into practice, GSD Lab is the right team to assist. The GSD Lab team can help you implement your strategy by working through the outcomes you’re hoping to achieve – they are the hands-on support when you don’t have time to recruit an extra person that you don’t really need on your long-term payroll.
“It has been indispensable working with Lana throughout the period of enormous regulatory change and the massive business transformation that we have successfully undertaken, would’ve been very difficult without her support and specialist knowledge.”
Trevor Geffin, Core Private Wealth
“Lana’s ability to connect and truly understand the human element is unlike any I’ve seen before and made a dramatic difference in the productivity level of my business.”
Susan Bryant, Financial Adviser
“Lana has made a significant difference to my business. New businesses often have multi-faceted challenges that at times can be overwhelming – Lana has been able to break down complexity into manageable projects for implementation.”
Shannan Calabro, PlanAIR Advice
Ready to GET SH*T DONE?
With decades of experience in advising, coaching and implementing strategy and managing change in financial advice – the combined Elixir Consulting and GSD Lab services can take your business to the next level.
It’s time to start taking action today!