02 8999 9696 consulting@vbp.au

Peer Groups (Evolve Accelerator)


Today’s financial advice landscape is requiring business owners and practice principals to stay ahead of rapid change and to be across the latest trends and opportunities if they are to build a successful and profitable business.

The Evolve Accelerator Peer Group Forums are a unique opportunity to collaborate with like-minded peers, hear from a broad range of industry experts and gain insights and guidance from your dedicated Elixir business coach in a group setting.

There’s no product provider or licensee involvement, so your group will become your safe place to explore ideas, remove limitations and speak openly and honestly about what’s really happening for you.

The quarterly meetings will give you: 

  • The practical experience of other financial advice professionals who are addressing the same business challenges as you.
  • An ability to test your ideas with other like-minded professionals and learn from their knowledge and experience.
  • The power of group accountability as you share your progress towards your own business goals.
  • The chance to discuss the industry’s many opportunities and challenges and gain the insights and collective wisdom from the group.
  • Insights into the latest industry trends from highly regarded industry experts.

What have prior attendees valued about the Elixir Peer Groups?

“ …to participate in Peer to Peer discussions on the way other businesses are tackling the shake up to industry” – Mathew

“Meeting more like-minded people and leaving in a positive mind frame with goals for the period” Luke

“Understanding what other advisers are doing in their practices, best practice tips, sounding board, reality check, etc.” – Will

The content and discussion is directed by each group and facilitated by a dedicated Elixir Business Coach who is able to call on their own industry experience as well as the tools, resources, contacts and knowledge built up by Elixir since 2007.


We are currently filling the remaining limited seats in our Evolve Accelerators. Click the button below to schedule an enquiry call with us to find out more on how to join.