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Pricing Advice Book – Revised Edition (Digital eBook)


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While there is no one-size-fits-all pricing model that suits every financial advice business, there is a proven methodology to create a pricing model tailored specifically for your business and your clients.

Pricing your services effectively is one of the most critical factors in the success of any business, and pricing advisory services can be particularly difficult. Written by Australia’s preeminent expert on Pricing Advice, this book has already helped thousands of advisers to get their pricing right, and this revised edition will provide the insights you need to effectively price in today’s regulatory environment.

Whether you’re thinking ‘Where do I start?’ or ‘We’ve been doing this for a while now but could do with some help working out the kinks’, this book will help you to:

  • Decide which pricing structure is right for your business,
  • Determine how, when and how much to charge – for all financial advice, including insurance advice,
  • Implement your new fee model, and sell it to your new and existing clients.

This process is robust, well tested and easy to follow, and it works for any business regardless of their size or scope.

“A triumph and a must read for every financial adviser.”
David Penglase, Director, SalesCoachCentral.com, Sydney.

“This book will arm you with the knowledge and insight to enable you to improve and refine your financial advice pricing model and value proposition. Even if you think you have it right, I suggest making the small investment in this book, it will pay dividends.”
Baz Gardner, Founder and Principal, The Social Adviser, Brisbane.

“Sue’s passion to assist advisers in transitioning their fee models is unrivalled in our industry.”
Kristine Wade, Head of Retail Sales – Life and Investments, Zurich Financial Services Australia.

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