Having just passed the FASEA exam, I set Graham Burnard the almost unachievable task of helping me rebuild my financial planning practice to conform to the modern environment with a three month deadline. So we put in place a CRM, a virtual assistant, a complete redraft of my compliance documents, adoption of Zoom and Docusign technology, an external compliance officer and a new website.
True to Graham’s mantra, we achieved it by taking it all “one mouthful at a time”. His input was invaluable in so many ways but the key benefits were;
1. Everytime I needed to employ an external contractor to help with the rebuild, Graham was there with a ready list of useful contacts and a brief run down on their strengths and weaknesses.
2. More it was clear with every contractor we dealt with, that having Graham as part of the team, they weren’t just working with one small financial planning practice, they were show casing their abilities to someone from one of Australia leading consultants in the financial industry. I thought that made a big difference in how seriously they took the work, the priority they gave it and their pricing.
3. The savings I made in terms of my time and the pricing I was able to achieve with these third parties more than made up for cost of employing Graham.
Having said that, Graham’s most important contribution to the project was his steady, calm, consistent advice throughout. I look forward to working with him again.