02 8752 3872 [email protected]

2012 has now come and gone, and it’s important that before you get consumed by your 2013 planning, or worse – consumed by client work and forget about strategic planning altogether…it’s really important to acknowledge what you achieved in 2012 and how far you’ve come in the past year. 2012 was a big year for Elixir. We book ended the year with new people. At the start of the year we welcomed our new Group Co-ordinator, Nick Hopkins, and at the end of the year brought on a new consultant in Geoff Pritchard (more on Geoff in coming days). But there was plenty else happening as well.

Elixir has embraced social media, and along with this blog we have become prolific on facebook, twitter and linkedin. This will expand in coming months with some exciting new methods of communication coming online. To help with this, we are looking forward to the AdviserEdge summit coming up in a few weeks.

In recapping the year, we had a look at our most viewed posts, so if you missed them first time around, here they are again:

1. Our Christmas video was easily the most popular posting we did on the site. A lot of fun to put together, and a bit different from normal Christmas greetings! A good lesson that not taking yourself too seriously can really help you connect with your target audience.

2. Our Top 10 ways to stay on top when the bears are getting you down post had a look at the major action items you can take to weather the storm and help your business grow.

3. The article on how to get the best return on your investment when attending conferences was particularly popular, and no doubt helpful, with its seven tips on getting the best out of the money and time you spend on going to conferences.

4. All systems go! was an important look at how important your internal business processes are in ensuring your clients are kept happy and your business grows.

5. Stewart had a good look at pricing and how important it is to ensure that your pricing relationship with your clients is symbiotic, not parasitic.

All up, it was a great year, with lots of exciting new developments. Don’t worry, though, there are plenty more yet to come. 2013 promises to be an exciting year, especially without those pesky Mayans breathing down our necks!