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Are you stuck in the cycle? It’s incredible to think how many advisers and business owners are telling us that despite their best intentions, they are still struggling to find time. Time to work on their business. Time to plan their strategies for their OWN bigger picture, not just their clients’ goals. At risk of offending those who are caught on the ‘hamster wheel’, Sue Viskovic shares in this hot tip, the real reasons why so many business owners are still failing to find the time to work on their business strategies (and there were at least another 4 that were on her list, but she forgot to mention them!). See if any of her observations resonate with you.

Don’t let another week go by where you think you’re too busy to stop being busy! It’s so easy to get caught up on that hamster wheel and keep cycling without getting to the destination. And it’s so hard to see what to do and how to do it when you’re running so hard! When you’re ready to get off that wheel and start enjoying real progress, our team at Elixir Consulting are here for you. There’s also our Evolve Alliance portal which is full of helpful resources to assist those who aren’t quite ready to engage a coach yet.