02 8752 3872 [email protected]

Expressions of Interest Now Open

If you’re a licensee and want to put forward a group of your advisors who would benefit from this program or if you’re an individual advisory business ready to take your business to the next level, express your interest below and we’ll be in touch to discuss program dates which best suit you. 

To find out more about the program, keep reading below.

With all the recent compliance and legislative shake-ups, are you feeling battered and bruised? Is your current pricing model outdated or filled with challenges? Not sure if you’re charging enough or at the right stage in your advice process? Or even sure if your clients would pay you more than they pay now?


Our Pricing Your Goals Based Advice Live Digital Program will help you redesign, implement and master your pricing, creating a compliant, profitable practice for the future with Goals Based Advice.

With the rapidly evolving profession, many advisers are being forced to rethink their business and to update their pricing model to increase their sustainability in line with the FASEA Code of Ethics, rising costs and a plethora of compliance and legislative changes. But how do you take a giant leap forward and step into this new environment?

Finding the time is hard enough, but knowing how to structure this time to get the best results and an actual outcome (rather than a list of further questions to ponder) is paramount to success. Engaging a business coach directly will get great results (if you get a great one who knows exactly what you’re going through and how to help you) and Elixir can provide that for you… but that’s not always cost effective, especially for smaller businesses.

Thankfully, there is a proven process that you can follow and we’ve packaged it into a series of short, intensive interventions where you can spend much-needed time focused ON your business, and get help directly from our team of expert coaches to future-proof your business in a cost-effective, compliant way.

We’ve mastered the art of the Zoom meeting, and you’ll be surprised how well you can do a group workshop without leaving your lounge room or home office. Far from a passive webinar, you’ll enjoy the use of face-to-face learning, breakout rooms, personal interactions and time for self-paced ‘homework’.

This program is not just here to give you ideas on how you might structure your pricing model. We actually want you to design it, put it in place and start enjoying the results. We will guide you through a thought process to restructure your client engagements, to deepen your connection and collection of their goals and desires, in a way that suits YOUR business and YOUR clients. We will ensure you execute on your plans to create better outcomes for you and your clients, and to future-proof your business.

Facilitated by the Coaches

Some of the most experienced and enthusiastic coaches you’ll ever engage, the Elixir Coaches are here to ensure you not only learn the content of the program, but also start implementing! Elixir’s consultants have a wealth of knowledge about what works in business, and have proven track records for helping their clients achieve greater success.

Sue Viskovic

Lana Clark

Graham Burnard

Monique le Roux

Feedback from previous coaching programs: 

“We now have a well-defined ongoing pricing model that is robust, clear, simple to understand and explain to clients. All our advisers and consultants feel confident to hold a pricing discussion in all ongoing review meeting over the next 12 months, whether it is to uplift, reduce or switch off fees.”

“The program was a catalyst for us to review our pricing structure which we are now implementing. It provided a broad view on pricing with much input which helped us to define our pricing strategy.”

“We have the belief and confidence to charge what we need to charge”

Co-facilitated by Fraser Jack

An experienced financial adviser, Fraser exited his financial planning business in 2015 and spent time learning the intricacies within an AFSL before developing RegTech solutions as co-founder of Advice RegTech.

Fraser’s passion for Goals Based Advice, RegTech, FinTech and AdviceTech – more importantly, the positive effect it has on consumers, clients and members – is evident in his work as the past host of The Goals Based Advice Podcast. In addition, he provides ongoing mentorship and coaching to new advisers through leadership roles with the Association of Financial Advisers (AFA).

An expert is someone who can take a complex concept and explain it in a simple and practical way. If you’re looking for an expert on Goals Based Advice and improving client outcomes, Fraser is that expert! Fraser recently delivered a thought provoking and engaging presentation to our licensee and received exceptional feedback from our network.”

I’ve worked with Fraser on a range of different initiatives over my time in financial services and have been blown away by his knowledge, expertise and out-of-the-box way of thinking. He is passionate about advice, he understands financial advisers and he really knows his stuff when it comes to training, content, and creating a community.” 

“As someone who places a very high value on clear communication and client care, I have been really impressed and appreciative of the way Fraser has worked with me. In particular, in moments where I was finding the task a little difficult, Fraser took that extra time and care to not only help me sort that out, but then ensure that I was clear on the next steps. This led to me building significant momentum to my goal. Fraser really does have exceptional communication skills and combined with that client care, has been a major factor in our success on the project.”

In the handful of opportunities I have had to work and collaborate with Fraser Jack, he has consistently approached each project with a ‘how can I add the most value’ mindset. Fraser has been a guest presenter on the XY platform twice, sharing his knowledge on two (of many) topics he is a subject matter expert in – launching and hosting a podcast and incorporating a goals-based advice process and mindset into an advice practice. What stands out about Fraser is his drive to not just share his knowledge but help advisers apply it.”

Pricing Your Goals Based Advice 10-Week Live Digital Program 

After this 10-week live digital program, you will know exactly how you’ll price your services, how Goals Based Advice works for you and your clients, and you would have already started improving things such as:

  • Knowing who your client base will be moving forward.
  • Knowing all the elements of your business you wish to improve in order to achieve sustainability.
  • Pricing your new clients.
  • Re-pricing your existing clients with a road map for implementing these fees.
  • Overcoming the initial shock and confidence issues preventing you from implementing new pricing.

Throughout this carefully curated program, you will benefit from:

  • Having all the tools, knowledge and thought processes you need to crunch your numbers and land on the right pricing for you and your clients.
  • Having access to research and benchmarking so you know where your pricing sits within the market.
  • Learning from others through interactive group based learning (yes we can still do that face to face online, we just won’t be belly-to-belly).
  • Enjoying bite-sized pieces of interactive learning for you to implement every week for 10 weeks to create your model in this program, not just talking or thinking about it!
  • Learning from other advisers as you work together and share experiences.
  • Full privacy when working with your financials, no need to share with the group.
  • Small groups with capped numbers so you get plenty of face-to-face time and input.

Feedback from advisers from our previous programs

We now have clarity on how to move forward, to make decisions”

“I’ve gained the 3 C’s … Control – Confidence – Certainty

We’ve now got the practical tools to make changes in our business”

“We can make better decisions and stop wasting time procrastinating”

A small investment for a big future for your advice business

Pricing Your Goals Based Advice 10-Week Live Digital Program

$10,000 + GST

Registrations include two people per business. Additional people are $550 + GST. 

Fee of $10,000 + GST applies to full payment bookings. Payment plan option is made up of 4 payments of $2,550 + GST.

*** An Evolve Alliance Member or a Licensee? ***

Don’t forget to enter your code at checkout to receive an exclusive discount.  

Plus $1,995 of added extras for FREE

  • A thorough Business Analysis using the Business Success Wheel system.
  • 1:1 private coaching session with an Elixir coach via Zoom after the event (worth $1,100).
  • A copy of Sue’s “Worth Paying For” book (worth $50) and “Pricing Advice” book (worth $50).
  • A digital copy of the Adviser Pricing Models Research Report (worth $350).
  • 3 months access to Elixir’s Pricing Advice software (worth $165).
  • 3 months membership to the Evolve Alliance (worth $330).
  • Pricing templates you will need to implement your pricing model (e.g. Fee schedules, Customised client Fee calculator etc). 

Don’t risk falling behind!

Not sure if Pricing Your Goals Based Advice 10-Week Live Digital Program is right for you?

Get in touch with us today, we’d love to chat!

Call us at 1300 683 680

Email us [email protected]