02 8752 3872 [email protected]

Well, another year has come to an end, and looking back over all the blog posts we have put up, the top 5 makes some interesting reading.

To start with, at number one, and far outstripping the rest of the field (was it the amazing content or the picture of the cat, people?) was the post “How many appointments can an adviser fit in a week?” It was one that we thought would resonate, but were a little surprised by just how much – almost three times as many views as the second place-getter.

Speaking of second place, that went to “5 tips to boost your daily productivity”. From the top two, it seems that people are really interested in practical solutions to the issues they face.

Third place went to “Outsourced paraplanning – how to make it work” by our guest blogger Lea Clothier. Lea’s expert view on the issues of outsourcing clearly struck a note with many.

“Ok, I’ll share my dirty little secrets about business plans” came in fourth. On the back of the successful webinar we held about business planning, it shares my ‘SMARTS’ principle for business plans. We are holding another webinar on business planning in January, to help you get organised and focused for the new year. That will be on January 21, and you can register now.

And finally, again demonstrating just how important a practical business plan is for any practice, the post “The biggest failure that damages most advice businesses, and how not to succumb”

From all of us at Elixir Consulting I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Sue Viskovic