02 8752 3872 [email protected]

Client engagement is an artform that we are particularly passionate about here at Elixir. It’s one thing to have the ability to deliver outstanding, technically brilliant advice that is always  in the best interest of your clients, but if you can’t sell it to your clients, or you’re not winning enough of them to provide advice to, you’re doing nothing to enhance peoples wealth, or indeed to build a business.

In our own experience, the successful adviser is one who not only has the ability to communicate well and ask the right questions of their prospects (and clients), but who also uses a robust process to deliver their proposition to each potential new client.

We know there are a wide variety of techniques and processes used by advisers, which is why we researched what advisers were doing in this regard. There are some interesting insights we discovered, and we share them with you in this infographic.

Hope you like it!



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If you’d like to improve the ability of your team to engage clients, we’d be happy to help. Just get in touch.