02 8752 3872 [email protected]

I find that when business owners get a little down time away from the office and clients (and staff!), they can’t help but do some contemplative thinking about what’s happening in the business, and invariably they end up with some ideas of things they’d like to do better – or new exciting ventures they’d like to pursue.

Problem is, unless they actually structure some thought beyond the initial contemplation, they get back to the office and pretty quickly get sucked back into their day-to-day work, without properly planning what they will do to bring their great ideas to reality.

And you know what happens next…another year flies by and they find themselves (if they’re lucky) getting someway towards their new ideas, but most likely, still thinking about them and feeling frustrated with the same-old-same-old.

And THEN there are the businesses that just seem to flourish and grow and evolve effortlessly. Wanna know their secret? It’s not effortless at all – they’ve just made the RIGHT effort. They’ve taken the time to structure their strategic thinking and get it into a Business Plan.

They don’t necessarily have an MBA to do this, and sure – maybe some of them have a great coach like us in their corner, but in the very least, they do know how to take action on their great ideas.

I’ve created a quick video to share with you, my tips on how you too can flourish and evolve your business like a pro. (and it’s not just me saying “Hire an Elixir coach.” Promise!) Click Play on the video above to check it out!


To find out more about the Juice Console, or to get some help with your planning, check out elixirconsulting.com.au/juiceconsole.

We’re running some business planning bootcamps around Australia in January, so if you want to get your business onto Juice in a workshop environment, with me as your facilitator, my team there to support you  and  a bunch of other motivated business owners, check out our Recharge Workshops.

And if you want more customised consulting or coaching support, shoot us an email, we’d love to chat and see how we might be able to help.