02 8752 3872 [email protected]


What would your clients say?

What would your clients say?

If we asked a random selection of your clients RIGHT NOW, what they thought of your business, what would they say? Do you know what your clients value about you and the services you provide? Whether you are completely overhauling your business to change your charging...

Slow down! Ten tips to staying young

Slow down! Ten tips to staying young

I had one of those reminders today to slow down and enjoy every day, rather than focusing on deadlines and to-do lists. It occurred to me that many of our clients could also do with the reminder, so whilst this isn't a post with business tips, it might get you to slow...

All systems go?

All systems go?

Of the many questions we are asked by financial advisers, these are on the “most repeated” list: How can I ensure that all of my clients enjoy a consistent level of service from my firm? How do I get my clients to refer new clients to me? How do I maximize the value...

How to get the best ROI on attending a conference

How to get the best ROI on attending a conference

  I have noticed something in my travels over the years. Advisers who regularly attend conferences both within and outside of their own licensees tend to have a more positive business outlook, are open to new ideas and are often better equipped to cope with...

Is your pricing symbiotic or parasitic?

Is your pricing symbiotic or parasitic?

Not too long ago an adviser posed me an interesting challenge. “All this pricing work you do”, she said plainly, “Be honest. It’s just about coaching us to charge as much as we can get away with, isn’t it?” Great question, and absolutely not. Our research and coaching...

Top 10 ways to stay on top when the Bears are getting you down

Top 10 ways to stay on top when the Bears are getting you down

When markets are weak, cost of living is rising, Government deficits are looming, investors are nervous and our profession is affected by continual legislative change, the thought of assuming the foetal position under your desk may be appealing. As an adviser, we know...

“Ten rules for a trust-based relationship”

“Ten rules for a trust-based relationship”

Trust is a word that is frequently associated with financial advice, and unfortunately it’s often for the absence of it. When a consumer decides that they will seek advice, the most important factor to them when choosing their adviser, by a margin of more than two to...

Leaping into ownership

Leaping into ownership

There is a big difference between working for someone and being the big kahuna, the head honcho, the boss! Are you the sort of person more suited to working in a salaried financial planning position, or do you see yourself calling the shots, with all the extra demands...

Five drivers of success for high performance businesses

Five drivers of success for high performance businesses

In my article published in Money Management, I looked at the five things that successful businesses do to survive and thrive in changing times: 1. For a start, they don't wait for change to be inflicted upon them, they regularly reflect on how they do things and...