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The problem with goal setting

The problem with goal setting

If you’re like me (and about 80% of people I’ve spoken to recently are), you take time at the end of both the calendar and the financial year to reflect on the year that was and clarify your focus on the goals you want to achieve in the coming period. And why wouldn’t...

4 things I wish I was told about goal setting

4 things I wish I was told about goal setting

Goal setting. You've heard all the one liners.... ‘If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else’ ‘Fail to plan and you plan to fail’  ‘A goal is a dream with a deadline’ In my post "The problem with goal setting", I reveal the single biggest...

The pitfalls of inconsistent leadership

The pitfalls of inconsistent leadership

Change: The constant in financial services. So, is it reasonable to think that changing tack in strategy or leadership is beneficial? Leadership is critical in every business, influencing its culture, performance, and overall success. Effective leadership requires a...

How could Elixir help you get off the hamster wheel?

How could Elixir help you get off the hamster wheel?

In the early years of financial advice it was enough for advisers to be great at building their client base, and allowing their business to form around them. These days, successful advisory businesses are built with business acumen and a focus on strategic planning. ...

The foundations of a resilient advice business

The foundations of a resilient advice business

This article is an excerpt from the newly released Resilient Advice Business Strategy Handbook 2023, authored by Elixir Consulting and sponsored by BT. Here, Sue Viskovic shares the key elements required to build the foundations of future successful advice firms. We...

The 7 R’s of Successful Referral Relationships

The 7 R’s of Successful Referral Relationships

Referrals from trusted sources are the preferred way for most clients to find their financial advisers.  However, some advisers struggle to create fruitful referral relationships while others have real success in developing deep, sustainable, and profitable...

Five ways to get your mojo back

Five ways to get your mojo back

The last few years have been long and hard for many in financial services, with difficult markets, legislative change, squeezing margins and negative publicity creating a perfect storm that for some, has robbed them of their drive and energy.   This is the...

More than money: Making sure your biggest asset is protected

More than money: Making sure your biggest asset is protected

Resilient advice firms recognise that their staff are not only their biggest cost in the business, they are also their biggest asset, and pose their biggest risk. Just as your client value proposition (CVP) defines what your clients will pay you for, your employee...