02 8752 3872 [email protected]


Worried about having to charge more for your advice?

Worried about having to charge more for your advice?

There is so much change happening for advisers right now that you could be forgiven for falling into the trap of introspection and worry. You may be juggling thoughts of compliance, education requirements, rising costs, obsolete (or inadequate) pricing models, falling...

Still using asset based fees?

A few thoughts here if you've been thinking of moving your fee model away from asset-based fees. We had a giggle in the office about this one... couldn't find the tripod, and it looks like my trusty assistant was drunk when filming! Promise she wasn't... get into the...

Your clients don’t underestimate you – do you?

During a busy week in the East Coast I reflected here on the habit of many advisers of undervaluing themselves...so easy to do at a time like this when it feels like you're being bombarded! When you reflect on the things that consume your clients every day, it's a lot...

Are you being held back?

Amidst all the changes facing advisers, I came across this saying the other day, and considering it from the point of view of what advisers are going through right now has helped quite a few people... 'All suffering comes from the attachment to an outcome...remove the...

The thing about change…

The thing about change....I talk here about facing it when you don't agree with it - also just as relevant for making change because you choose to innovate!

Busy really is the new stupid

We see it all the time: overwhelmed advisers making the mistake of working harder and putting in more hours just to get more done... While there's something to be said for hard work, what you should be focused on (ESPECIALLY with all the challenges at the moment) is...

You can’t fill from an empty cup

Professionally and personally... your clients come to you to help them get their financials in order and make better decisions to live their best life - and it’s hard to serve them well when you’re not firing on all cylinders. We need great leadership in advice right...

What if you can’t change your environment

When you can't change the environment you're working in, what CAN you do? We've been having so many conversations with advisers who are depleted by a wide range of factors outside of their control that I was inspired to shoot this the other day.

Elixir is growing!

I could not be more thrilled to officially announce that these two fabulous professionals have joined the Elixir Consulting team on the ground in Melbourne and Sydney! Lana and I have had a great time inducting Andrew George and Graham Burnard to the family, combining...